Spirit in the blues

There are blues sung by people, about dreams cominī true.

Others lost out on love, just donīt know what to do!

Some blues tellinī stories, about growinī old.

Just by livinī, lifeīs givinī us, a story to be told!!

One thing is true, thereīs a spirit in the blues..


The blues is a companion, through good, through bad, through life...!

Thatīs rare to find, even in a husband or a wife..

The blues can be a comfort, in times when you're lost..

When the stakes are too high, and itīs hard to bear the cost!

One thing is true, thereīs a spirit in the blues..


There are blues for all occasions, in lifeīs broad variety..

From the cradle to the grave, thereīs a song to make you feel..!

Surely one thing is true, thereīs a spirit in the blues..


"..I feel that there's a blues song for each and every moment in life. A tune that says it all, that fits right into THAT very moment, be it a wedding, a funeral, a party, going to bed, to work, finding love, expressing hate, giving forgiveness, WHAT EVER....!!!! Anyway, this feeling just came to me one evening and the song wrote itself with a little help from me.. There IS something spiritual about a music form that can move peoples hearts and souls as much as the blues does.."